Strengthening U.S. Leadership of International Clean Energy Cooperation

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Pressing economic, energy security, and environmental concerns are driving rapid growth in global investments in renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), and other clean energy technologies. The U.S. government has an unparalleled opportunity to join forces with the private sector, international institutions, and other countries to accelerate this global clean energy market transformationand capture vital domestic benefits. The global financial crisis creates an even more urgent need for government programs to stimulate private investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency, which will foster U.S. and international job creation and economic vitality. A group of stakeholders has identified four overarching strategies for enhanced U.S. international clean energy cooperation-- 1) establishment of government-wide goals, an action plan, and strengthened international leadership; 2) revitalized U.S. investment-facilitation programs; 3) accelerated clean energy technology cooperation; and 4) market reform partnerships with key developing countries. These strategies and actions in support of each are presented in this report. This effort provides credible and objectiveinformation to inform the design of U.S.-led international clean energy programs during the next five years. It particularly emphasizes alignment of the capabilities of federal institutions, such as NREL, with international energy objectives set by the President and Congress.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages67
StatePublished - 2008

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A0-44261


  • clean energy technologies
  • developing countries
  • economic benefits
  • EE
  • energy efficiency
  • energy security
  • environmental benefits
  • global
  • government
  • international advisory council
  • international programs
  • investment
  • NREL
  • renewable energy (RE)
  • U.S.


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