Sub-Hourly Impacts of High Solar Penetrations in the Western United States: Preprint

Eduardo Ibanez, Gregory Brinkman, Mike Heaney, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Marissa Hummon, Debra Lew

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper presents results of analysis on the sub-hourly impacts of high solar penetrations from the Western Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2. Extreme event analysis showed that most large ramps were due to sunrise and sunset events, which have a significant predictability component. Variability in general was much higher in the high-solar versus high-wind scenario. Reserve methodologiesthat had already been developed for wind were therefore modified to take into account the predictability component of solar variability.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages11
StatePublished - 2012
Event2nd Annual International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems Conference - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 12 Nov 201213 Nov 2012


Conference2nd Annual International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems Conference
CityLisbon, Portugal

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5500-56171


  • integration
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • NREL
  • reserves
  • solar
  • statistics
  • uncertainty
  • variability
  • wind


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