Supercapacitor to Provide Ancillary Services: Preprint

Eduard Muljadi, Vahan Gevorgian, Yusheng Luo, M. Mohanpurkar, R. Hovsapian, V. Koritarov

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Supercapacitor technology has reached a level of maturity as a viable energy storage option available to support a modern electric power system grid; however, its application is still limited because of its energy capacity and the cost of the commercial product. In this paper, we demonstrate transient models of supercapacitor energy storage plants operating in coordination with run-of-the-river (ROR), doubly-fed induction generator hydropower plants (HPP) using a system control concept and architecture developed. A detailed transient model of a supercapacitor energy storage device is coupled with the grid via a three-phase inverter/rectifier and bidirectional DC-DC converter. In addition, we use a version of a 14-bus IEEE test case that includes the models of the supercapacitor energy storage device, ROR HPPs, and synchronous condensers that use the rotating synchronous generators of retired coal-powered plants. The purpose of the synchronous condensers is to enhance the system stability by providing voltage and reactive power control, provide power system oscillations damping, and maintain system inertia at secure levels. The control layer provides coordinated, decentralized operation of distributed ROR HPPs and energy storage as aggregate support to power system operations.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2017
Event2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (IEEE ECCE) - Cincinnati, Ohio
Duration: 1 Oct 20175 Oct 2017


Conference2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (IEEE ECCE)
CityCincinnati, Ohio

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-68740


  • ancillary services
  • doubly-fed induction generator
  • energy storage
  • HPP
  • hydropower plants
  • ROR
  • run-of-the-river
  • supercapacitory


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