title = "Supporting the Li-Ion Battery Supply Chain via PEV Battery Reuse",
abstract = "The electric vehicle market is growing rapidly and there is significant need for lithium ion batteries and their materials. There is growing concern about the supply chain issues of lithium ion batteries in the US as most of the materials and components come from overseas. The concern about supply chain would be even more of a concern as more lithium ion systems will be installed in the renewable grid. By 2025, it is estimated that 3.5 million used PEVs may be retiring worldwide with commutative capacity of around 150 GWh. The question is what the is best way to deal with these batteries: recycle them right away for re-introduction of valuable materials into the battery supply chain or reused and then recycle them. These batteries usually have between 70-80% of their original capacity and studies have shown second use of these batteries are technically and environmentally – the question has been the economic viability. Most of LIBs has been going into the growing electric vehicle market. Rather than using new LIBs in the future grid, the second-life batteries is a significant resource and could alleviate supply chain issues.",
keywords = "battery second use, electric vehicles, grid, second life, supply chain",
author = "Ahmad Pesaran",
year = "2021",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the NAATBatt Webinar: Developing a Supply Chain for Lithium-Ion Batteries in North America, 16 April 2021",
type = "Other",