Systems and Methods for Advanced Ultra-High Performance InP Solar Cells

Mark Wanlass (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Systems and methods for advanced ultra-high-performance InP solar cells are provided. In one embodiment, an InP photovoltaic device comprises: a p-n junction absorber layer comprising at least one InP layer; a front surface confinement layer; and a back surface confinement layer; wherein either the front surface confinement layer or the back surface confinement layer forms part of a High-Low (HL) doping architecture; and wherein either the front surface confinement layer or the back surface confinement layer forms part of a heterointerface system architecture.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number10,026,856 B2
Filing date17/07/18
StatePublished - 2018

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5K00-72177


  • confinement layer
  • InP solar cells
  • photovoltaic device


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