Targeted Enhancement of H2 and CO2 Uptake for Autotrophic Production of Biodiesel in the Lithoautotrophic Bacterium Ralsonia Eutropha: Abstract No. BIOT-186

Carrie Eckert, Rachel Sullivan, Caley Johnson, Jianping Yu, Pin-Ching Maness

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


CO2 and H2 are promising feedstocks for production of valuable biocompounds. Ralstonia eutropha utilizes these feedstocks to generate energy (ATP) and reductant (NAD(P)H) via oxidation of H2 by a membrane-bound (MBH) and a soluble hydrogenase (SH) for CO2 fixation by the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle. Increased expression of the enzyme that fixes CO2 (RubisCO) resulted in 6-fold activityimprovement in vitro, while increased expression of the MBH operon or the SH operon plus MBH operon maturation factors necessary for activity resulted in a 10-fold enhancement. Current research involves genetic manipulation of two endogenous cbb operons for increased expression, analysis of expression and activity of CBB/MBH/SH, cofactor ratios, and downstream products during autotrophic growthin control versus enhanced strains, and development of strategies for long-term, optimal overexpression. These studies will improve our understanding of autotrophic metabolism and provide a chassis strain for autotrophic production of biodiesel and other valuable carbon biocompounds.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2013
EventAmerican Chemical Society. 245th ACS National Meeting - New Orleans, Louisiana
Duration: 7 Apr 201311 Apr 2013


ConferenceAmerican Chemical Society. 245th ACS National Meeting
CityNew Orleans, Louisiana

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5100-58852


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