Technical Support to SBIR Phase II Project: Improved Conversion of Cellulose Waste to Ethanol Using a Dual Bioreactor System: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-08-310

Min Zhang

    Research output: NRELTechnical Report


    Over-dependence on fossil fuel has spurred research on alternative energy. Inedible plant materials such as grass and corn stover represent abundant renewable natural resources that can be transformed into biofuel. Problems in enzymatic conversion of biomass to sugars include the use of incomplete synergistic enzymes, end-product inhibition, and adsorption and loss of enzymes necessitating theiruse in large quantities. Technova Corporation will develop a defined consortium of natural microorganisms that will efficiently break down biomass to energy-rich soluble sugars, and convert them to cleaner-burning ethanol fuel. The project will also develop a novel biocatalytic hybrid reactor system dedicated to this bioprocess, which embodies recent advances in nanotechnology. NREL willparticipate to develop a continuous fermentation process.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages4
    StatePublished - 2013

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/TP-7A10-53592


    • biocatalytic hybrid reactor system
    • CRADA
    • enzymatic conversion
    • ethanol fuel


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