title = "The Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium - Understanding and Mitigating the Impacts of Feedstock Variability in Bioconversion Processes",
abstract = "The Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium is led by DOE as a collaborative effort among researchers from 9 National Laboratories. The FCIC was formed because biomass feedstock properties are variable and different from other commodities, and empirical approaches to address these issues have been unsuccessful. The FCIC uses first-principles-based science to de-risk biorefinery scale-up and deployment by understanding and mitigating the impacts of feedstock variability on bioenergy conversion processes. In this presentation, we present a brief overview of key FCIC prinicples and recent results.",
keywords = "biomass, conversion, FCIC, feedstock, interface, variability",
author = "Edward Wolfrum",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the ABLC Next Conference, 26-28 October 2022, San Francisco, California",
type = "Other",