Transient Stability of the US Western Interconnection with High Wind and Solar Generation

Kara Clark, Nicholas Miller, Miaolei Shao, Slobodan Pajic, Robert D'Aquila

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

2 Scopus Citations


The addition of large amounts of wind and solar generation to bulk power systems that are traditionally subject to operating constraints set by transient limitations is the subject of considerable concern in the industry. The US Western Interconnection (WI) is expected to experience substantial additional growth in both wind and solar generation. These plants will, to some extent, displace large central station thermal generation, both coal and gas-fired, which have traditionally helped maintain stability. This paper reports the results of a study that investigated the transient stability of the WI with high penetrations of wind and solar generation. The main goals of this work were to (1) create a realistic, baseline model of the WI, (2) test selected transient stability events, (3) investigate the impact of large amounts of wind and solar generation, and (4) examine means to improve performance.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 2015
Event2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Denver, Colorado
Duration: 26 Jul 201530 Jul 2015


Conference2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
CityDenver, Colorado

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-63861


  • load modeling
  • power system stability
  • springs
  • stability criteria
  • thermal stability
  • transient analysis


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