Validation Methodology to Allow Simulated Peak Reduction and Energy Performance Analysis of Residential Building Envelope with Phase Change Materials: Preprint

Marcus Bianchi, Craig Christensen, Paulo Cesar Tabares-Velasco

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Phase change materials (PCM) represent a potential technology to reduce peak loads and HVAC energy consumption in residential buildings. This paper summarizes NREL efforts to obtain accurate energy simulations when PCMs are modeled in residential buildings: the overall methodology to verify and validate Conduction Finite Difference (CondFD) and PCM algorithms in EnergyPlus is presented in thisstudy. It also shows preliminary results of three residential building enclosure technologies containing PCM: PCM-enhanced insulation, PCM impregnated drywall and thin PCM layers. The results are compared based on predicted peak reduction and energy savings using two algorithms in EnergyPlus: the PCM and Conduction Finite Difference (CondFD) algorithms.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2012
Event2012 ASHRAE Annual Conference - San Antonio, Texas
Duration: 23 Jun 201227 Jun 2012


Conference2012 ASHRAE Annual Conference
CitySan Antonio, Texas

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5500-54015


  • conduction finite difference (CondFD)
  • EnergyPlus
  • HVAC energy consumption
  • PCM algorithms
  • reduce peak loads
  • residential building envelope


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