VCO/Radiator Module Tuned by Ferroelectric Varactor

A. B. Kozyrev, O. Yu Buslov, A. A. Golovkov, V. N. Keis, S. V. Krasilnikov, T. B. Samoilova, A. Yu Shimko, D. Ginley, T. Kaydanova

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Design of tunable Gunn diode-based active antenna module including a new type of planar dielectric resonator (PDR) tuned by a ferroelectric (FE) varactor is presented. The module is designed in such a way that the PDR acts both as a stabilizing resonator and as a radiator. MW properties of FE elements used for VCO tuning are considered. The module operates at frequency around of 17 GHz and demonstrates the radiated power of 8.8 + 0.1 dBm over the 130 MHz tuning range and a phase-noise level of -95 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset. 65̇ width of the radiation pattern in both the E and H planes corresponding to a gain of 5.1 dBi was measured. The maximal VCO power limited by the dielectric nonlinearity of a FE film in the microwave electric field and by the FE film overheating is estimated for FE film-based varactors of the planar and parallel structures.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)38-49
Number of pages12
JournalIntegrated Ferroelectrics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-520-44084


  • Active antenna
  • Ferroelectric varactor
  • Planar dielectric resonator
  • Tunable oscillator
  • VCO


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