Verification of the New FAST v8 Capabilities for the Modeling of Fixed-Bottom Offshore Wind Turbines: Preprint

Braulio Barahona Garzon, Jason Jonkman, Amy Robertson, Rick Damiani

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Coupled dynamic analysis has an important role in the design of offshore wind turbines because the systems are subject to complex operating conditions from the combined action of waves and wind. The aero-hydro-servo-elastic tool FAST v8 is framed in a novel modularization scheme that facilitates such analysis. Here, we present the verification of new capabilities of FAST v8 to model fixed-bottomoffshore wind turbines. We analyze a series of load cases with both wind and wave loads and compare the results against those from the previous international code comparison projects-the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind Task 23 Subtask 2 Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3) and the IEA Wind Task 30 OC3 Continued (OC4) projects. The verification is performed using the NREL 5-MWreference turbine supported by monopile, tripod, and jacket substructures. The substructure structural-dynamics models are built within the new SubDyn module of FAST v8, which uses a linear finite-element beam model with Craig-Bampton dynamic system reduction. This allows the modal properties of the substructure to be synthesized and coupled to hydrodynamic loads and tower dynamics. Thehydrodynamic loads are calculated using a new strip theory approach for multimember substructures in the updated HydroDyn module of FAST v8. These modules are linked to the rest of FAST through the new coupling scheme involving mapping between module-independent spatial discretizations and a numerically rigorous implicit solver. The results show that the new structural dynamics, hydrodynamics,and coupled solutions compare well to the results from the previous code comparison projects.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages17
StatePublished - 2014
EventAIAA SciTech 2015 - Kissimmee, Florida
Duration: 5 Jan 20149 Jan 2014


ConferenceAIAA SciTech 2015
CityKissimmee, Florida

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5000-63067


  • FAST8
  • fixed-bottom offshore wind
  • model verification


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