Visualizing Fault Induced Traveling Waves In Medium Voltage Systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Traveling waves are induced in power systems during most transient events in the grid. These waves travel close to the speed of light in overhead lines and 50% to 60% the speed of light in underground cables. Even though traveling wave-based protection schemes for transmission systems are available commercially, traveling waves in medium voltage distribution networks are still in research space. Compared to transmission system, medium voltage distribution systems contain more reflections and refractions. Thus, visualization is challenging and is critical in locating faults in distribution network. To address this visualization challenge, this paper presents an open-source tool to visualize the traveling waves using Bewley lattice approach. The developed visualization tool will be useful for the protection engineers to detect and triangulate fault locations in the medium voltage systems and isolate the faults.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2022
Event2022 IEEE IAS Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, PCIC 2022 - Denver, United States
Duration: 26 Sep 202229 Sep 2022


Conference2022 IEEE IAS Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, PCIC 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited States

Bibliographical note

See NREL/CP-2C00-81169 for preprint

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-87266


  • Bewley Lattice
  • distribution system protection
  • medium voltage distribution system.
  • Traveling wave


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