Voltage Control for a Wind Power Plant Based on the Available Reactive Current of a DFIG and Its Impacts on the Point of Interconnection

Eduard Muljadi, Yasir Usman, Jinho Kim, Yong Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus Citations


Wake effects cause wind turbine generators (WTGs) within a wind power plant (WPP) to produce different levels of active power and subsequent reactive power capabilities. Further, the impedance between a WTG and the point of interconnection (POI)-which depends on the distance between them-impacts the WPP's reactive power injection capability at the POI. This paper proposes a voltage control scheme for a WPP based on the available reactive current of the doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) and its impacts on the POI to improve the reactive power injection capability of the WPP. In this paper, a design strategy for modifying the gain of DFIG controller is suggested and the comprehensive properties of these control gains are investigated. In the proposed scheme, the WPP controller, which operates in a voltage control mode, sends the command signal to the DFIGs based on the voltage difference at the POI. The DFIG controllers, which operate in a voltage control mode, employ a proportional controller with a limiter. The gain of the proportional controller is adjusted depending on the available reactive current of the DFIG and the series impedance between the DFIG and the POI. The performance of the proposed scheme is validated for various disturbances such as a reactive load connection and grid fault using an EMTP-RV simulator. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme promptly recovers the POI voltage by injecting more reactive power after a disturbance than the conventional scheme.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)23-30
Number of pages8
JournalTransactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2016

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5D00-66198


  • available reactive current
  • doubly-fed induction generator
  • point of interconnection
  • voltage control
  • wake effect
  • wind power plant


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