Voltage-Matched, Monolithic, Multi-Band-Gap Devices

NREL (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    Monolithic, tandem, photonic cells include at least a first semiconductor layer and a second semiconductor layer, wherein each semiconductor layer includes an n-type region, a p-type region, and a given band-gap energy. Formed within each semiconductor layer is a sting of electrically connected photonic sub-cells. By carefully selecting the numbers of photonic sub-cells in the first and secondlayer photonic sub-cell string(s), and by carefully selecting the manner in which the sub-cells in a first and second layer photonic sub-cell string(s) are electrically connected, each of the first and second layer sub-cell strings may be made to achieve one or more substantially identical electrical characteristics.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Patent number7,095,050 B2
    StatePublished - 2006

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/PT-520-40717


    • monolithic
    • multi-band-gap devices
    • voltage-matched


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