WEC3: Wave Energy Converter Code Comparison Project: Preprint

Michael Lawson, Adrien Combourieu, Aurelien Babarit, Kelley Ruehl, Andre Roy, Ronan Costello, Helen Bailey

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper describes the recently launched Wave Energy Converter Code Comparison (WEC3) project and present preliminary results from this effort. The objectives of WEC3 are to verify and validate numerical modelling tools that have been developed specifically to simulate wave energy conversion devices and to inform the upcoming IEA OES Annex VI Ocean Energy Modelling Verification and Validation project. WEC3 is divided into two phases. Phase 1 consists of a code-to-code verification and Phase II entails code-to-experiment validation. WEC3 focuses on mid-fidelity codes that simulate WECs using time-domain multibody dynamics methods to model device motions and hydrodynamic coefficients to model hydrodynamic forces. Consequently, high-fidelity numerical modelling tools, such as Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics simulation, and simple frequency domain modelling tools were not included in the WEC3 project.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 2017
Event11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - Nantes, France
Duration: 6 Sep 201511 Sep 2015


Conference11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
CityNantes, France

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5000-64608


  • code comparison
  • code validation
  • code verification
  • multibody dynamics
  • numerical simulation
  • wave energy converter


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