Wind Energy Developments at Altamont Pass, USA

    Research output: NRELMarketing


    Preliminary tests indicate that the new variable-speed Kenetech Windpower turbines installed in Altamont, California, capture 15% more energy than constant-speed turbines operating at an average site. As this technical brochure explains, the reduction in maintenance and repair costs with the new Kenetech turbine can be attributed to the lighter and more predictable wind loads bearing on thedrivetrains of variable-speed wind turbines.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages4
    StatePublished - 1995

    Bibliographical note

    Prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the Centre for Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET)

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/MK-20607


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