Wind Forecasting Objectives for Utility Schedulers and Energy Traders

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper presents the objectives, approach, and current findings of a U.S. Department of Energy/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE/NREL) initiative to develop useful wind forecasting tools for utilities involved with wind energy generation. The focus of this initiative thus far has been to learn about the needs of prospective utility users. NREL representatives conducted a series ofon-site interviews with key utility staff, usually schedulers and research planners, at seven U.S. utilities. The purpose was to ascertain information on actual scheduling and trading procedures, and how utilities could integrate wind forecasting into these activities. Representatives of the Electric Power Research Institute, who are involved in a European wind forecasting initiative (Landberg,1997) with Riso (Denmark) National Laboratory also attended most of these interviews.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 1998
EventWindpower '98 - Bakersfield, California
Duration: 27 Apr 19981 May 1998


ConferenceWindpower '98
CityBakersfield, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-500-24680


  • forecasts
  • utility
  • wind
  • wind energy


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