title = "Wind Power Siting: Public Acceptance and Land Use: NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "Suzanne Tegen presented this information as part of the June 17, 2015 WINDExchange webinar: Overcoming Wind Siting Challenges III: Public Acceptance and Land Use. This presentation provides an overview of current NREL research related to wind energy deployment considerations, the DOE Wind Vision as it relates to public acceptance and land use, why public acceptance of wind power matters, where the U.S. wind resource is best, and how those rich resource areas overlay with population centers.",
keywords = "land use, public acceptance, siting, wind energy, Wind farm siting, wind projects",
author = "Suzanne Tegen",
year = "2015",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at a WINDExchange Webinar, 17 June 2015, Golden, Colorado",
type = "Other",