Wind Powering America's Regional Stakeholder Meetings and Priority State Reports: FY11 Summary

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Beginning in 2010, DOE conducted an assessment of Wind Powering America (WPA) activities to determine whether the methods the department had used to help grow the wind industry to provide 2% of the nation's electrical energy should be the same methods used to achieve 20% of the nation's energy from wind (as described in the report 20% Wind Energy by 2030: Increasing Wind Energy's Contribution toU.S. Electricity Supply). After the assessment, it was determined that the initiative's state-based activities should be phased out as part of a shift to regional-based approaches. To assist with this transition, WPA hosted a series of 1-day regional meetings at six strategic locations around the country and a single teleconference for island states, U.S. territories, and remote communities.This report summarizes the results of the inaugural regional meetings and the state reports with a focus on ongoing wind deployment barriers in each region.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages108
StatePublished - 2013

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5000-56289

Other Report Number

  • DOE/GO-102013-3768


  • wind energy
  • wind energy deployment
  • wind energy outreach
  • Wind Powering America
  • Wind Powering America regional meetings
  • Wind Powering America stakeholder analysis
  • wind working groups


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