Yaw-Augmented Control for Wind Farm Power Tracking: Preprint

Genevieve Starke, Charles Meneveau, Jennifer King, Dennice Gayme

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper presents an inner-outer control loop structure which uses wake steering (yaw control) to augment pitch control for wind farms to track a power reference signal. The outer-loop yaw controller employs a recently proposed dynamic yaw model with a time-varying graph structure that accounts for dynamic changes in the farm wake interactions due to the yaw action of upstream turbines. The wake interactions within the model include the physics of the streamwise and lateral wake evolution, which collectively determine its impact on downstream turbines. The inner-loop employs a compensation scheme to account for the slow timescale effects of the yaw control actions within the faster timescale pitch control. The controller is applied to track two power trajectories (typical of secondary frequency regulation signals) using a large eddy simulation wind farm plant. The results demonstrate that the additional control authority from yaw provides some added benefit in reducing the required turbine derates needed for wind farms to track transient power increases in the proposed setting. However, the benefit decreases and pitch control alone is sufficient when the turbines are derated beyond a certain level. These findings suggest that augmenting pitch control with yaw may provide financial incentives in terms of allowing wind farms to maximize power supply to the bulk power market while still providing regulation services. Further work is needed analyze the costs versus benefits of the additional control complexity versus bandwidth in augmenting pitch control with wake steering offers in these applications.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 2023
Event2023 American Control Conference (ACC) - San Diego, California
Duration: 31 May 20232 Jun 2023


Conference2023 American Control Conference (ACC)
CitySan Diego, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5000-85402


  • active power control
  • load following
  • pitch control
  • wind energy
  • wind farm control
  • yaw control


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